Athletic Director: Ms. Lyndsay Magenheimer
Phone: 973-543-7075, ext. 269
Welcome to our athletic program! The value of an athletic program cannot be measured simply in terms of wins and losses. A beneficial athletic program is one that provides participants the opportunity to experience personal growth and development, both physically and mentally. Athletics give students opportunities to learn to accept personal responsibility for success and failure, and to recognize the limitations and strengths of both. Our athletic program helps develop motivation, self-discipline, self-confidence, loyalty, leadership, perseverance, a sense of commitment, and a positive attitude.
This information provided below is intended to inform parents and athletes of Mountain View School about our athletic program. Parents of players interested in serving as a “team parent” to assist in transportation, refreshment and/or team communications are encouraged to contact the coach.
The activity fee for participation in a Mountain View interscholastic athletic program is $60.00 per child. Checks should be made out to Mendham Borough Board of Education. The memo line must include the following information: student name and sport. All school sports user fees will be applied toward the replacement of uniforms or equipment in one or more sports each year.
Support your child's participation!
Aimee Toth, Principal
Lyndsay Magenheimer, Athletic Director
Mountain View plays in a competitive interscholastic league. The athletic teams and cheerleading squads are open to students in grades 6-8. Each coach selects his/her team based on athletic ability, grade level is not a major selection criteria. Tryout dates are posted. It is important for students to attend all tryouts. Please make coaches aware of any unavoidable conflicts.
Fall Sports:
Boys and Girls Soccer (approx. 20 members each team)
Cross Country (Open to all students 6-8)
Winter Sports:
Boys and Girls Basketball (maximum l5 members each team)
Cheerleading - Non-Competitive (try-outs required)
Spring Sports:
Baseball (approx. 20 members, click here for regulations)
Softball (approx. 20 members)
Boys and Girls Lacrosse (maximum 25 members each team)
Team members will be selected by the coaches on the basis of ability.
Board of Education policy 6145 states that students must maintain passing grades (minimum 63%) in all classes to participate in Interscholastic Sports. Grades will be checked at the midpoint of each season (specific dates will be communicated), and those students who do not meet the criteria will be ineligible to participate in athletics until their academic performance improves.
Participation on an outside team is permissible; however, in fairness to other students, the school team must be the first priority in the event of conflicts.
Students may be dismissed from a team for the following reasons:
Three or more unexcused absences from games or practices.
Failure to obey the school rules and procedures at home games and when visiting other schools.
Fighting, obscene gestures, profanity or rudeness to coaches or officials.
Failure to meet minimum scholastic requirements for participation on interscholastic teams.
The use of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs.
Students must arrange for transportation home following practice sessions and games. Parents will be provided with a schedule of practice session times and anticipated times for the games. Parents must complete and sign a permission slip for students not returning on the bus after games. A form has been included in this booklet.
All candidates of athletic teams must satisfactorily complete and pass a physical examination prior to the beginning of a season. This exam must be completed before a member can practice or compete.
All candidates for athletic teams must present a signed and dated parental permission slip. These forms will be provided by the Athletic Director or coaches prior to the start of practice for each sport.
The student must visit the school nurse following all injuries and accidents. This is the only way insurance claims can be paid.
A student must be in school by noon in order to practice or compete that day. Any exceptions to this rule will be made only by the Principal and/or her designee.
No student may be in the school unless the coach is physically present. Students may not come in and change prior to the arrival of the coach.