Gifted and Talented: Identification and Continuum of Services

The needs of Gifted and Talented students in the Mendham Borough School District are met both in the classroom and beyond.  Students are able to take advantage of our membership in the New Jersey Consortium for Gifted and Talented Programs, which provides a variety of opportunities for students.  In the classroom, student needs are met in three different ways:  differentiation, enrichment, and acceleration.


In all grade levels, K-8, teachers use student data to determine if instructional adaptations are needed to meet the needs of students.  This is achieved through the administration of pre-assessments, online screening tools, benchmark assessments, and classroom assessments.  Classroom teachers then utilize the Differentiated Model of Gifted Instruction to meet student needs through differentiation of content, process, product, and or learning environment.  Students whose ability exceeds the limits of differentiation may be screened for acceleration, either whole-grade, or subject specific.  This process is initiated via a request for assistance to the school Intervention and Referral Services team.

Tools to determine student readiness and academic achievement include, but are not limited to the following:

  • Eureka Math Equip pre-assessment (K-8)

  • Eureka Math End of Module Assessments (K-8)

  • LinkIt! Benchmark (ELA and Math, Grades 2-8)

  • Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (Grades K-2)

  • ELA Benchmark Assessments (K-2):

    • Letter Recognition

    • Letter Sound Identification

    • Phonological Awareness

    • Spelling

    • Decoding

    • Fluency

  • Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test (Grade 2)

  • Literably (Grades 3-5)

    • Oral Reading Fluency

    • Reading Comprehension


Students in grades K-2 have Gifted and Talented built into their related arts schedule.  The Teacher or Gifted and Talented provides class-level enrichment for all students once every five days.  Content is related to the grade-level curriculum.  In grades 2-4, students are identified for pull-out enrichment opportunities using LinkIt! data.  Those students meet with the Teacher of Gifted and Talented in small groups, in math and ELA(2nd math only), once per week.  For students to qualify, they need to score at the Exceeding level on the LinkIt! Form A, which is administered early in September.  Once students are identified, they continue in the program through grade four.

Acceleration in Mathematics (Grades 4-8) 

Grade 4

a. In the summer after the completion of 4th grade, students (families) can sign up to participate in the administration of an algebra aptitude screening tool.
b. Students achieving 80% or higher, or 90% or higher on one of the subtests, will considered for acceleration.
c. The Principal and Director of Curriculum and Instruction, shall review screening results, and other pertinent data and information, and finalize the list of students to be accelerated. 
d. Those students will be placed into the Advanced Mathematics Section of grade 5 math (see Geometry Pathway below), which will move faster than the others, finishing both the grade five and grade six New Jersey Student Learning Standards by the end of the school year.  During that time, students will be required to maintain a certain level of performance, as they are assessed for both mathematical proficiency and the work habits (such as preparedness, initiative, collaboration, and perseverance) needed to move into the accelerated section for the following school year.

Grades 5-8

a. All students are observed by classroom teachers on an ongoing basis throughout the year for readiness and academic achievement. Informal screening may include an evaluation of assignments, assessments, and portfolios. 
b. Teachers of students whose ability exceeds the limits of differentiation, and are in need of further intervention, will submit an Initial Request for Assistance form to the Principal. This request will initiate the data collection process and ultimately lead to planning and delivery of intervention services as outlined in N.J.A.C. 6A:16-8, which may or may not include subject area acceleration. 
c. In the event that data and response to intervention indicate a student’s needs may be met best through acceleration, the student shall be administered a grade-level assessment. Students scoring 70% or above shall be recommended for acceleration, being moved and or placed into that setting as soon as possible.

For any concerns regarding the Gifted and Talented Program, please complete and submit this form: Gifted & Talented Complaint Form