Dear Mendham Borough School Community:
Today we conclude two weeks of distance learning and also celebrate “International Social Emotional Learning Day”. What better way to end the week but by recognizing individuals who help promote the social and emotional well-being of the Mendham Borough School District community. I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the members of our Student Wellness Committee for their continuous efforts in supporting our students and families by providing resources, check-ins and most importantly a listening ear. I would also like to acknowledge the members of our Staff Wellness Committee. Their creativity and commitment in supporting our faculty and staff through the sharing of inspirational quotes, resources that promote health and well-being and the planning of events that allow us to connect virtually are truly appreciated.
As our teachers begin a much–deserved Spring Break, the administration will continue to work next week on securing additional educational resources and completing the preparations required to implement suggestions presented by our faculty and staff.
I would like to remind everyone of some important upcoming dates:
Monday, March 30-Friday, April 3- Spring Break
Monday, April 6- Distance Learning resumes
Friday, April-10- No Distance Learning
Monday, April 13-No Distance Learning
Tuesday, April 14- Distance Learning resumes
I am including a resource from the CASEL Cares Initiative: Connecting the SEL Community. Their CEO Karen Niemi shared the following quote: “When physical distancing is deemed necessary, social and emotional connectedness is even more critical.”
Our unique situation has offered us an equally unique opportunity to learn, grow and experience greater appreciation as both educators as well as individuals. May you take some time this weekend to “connect” socially and emotionally to loved ones, old friends and others in need.
Wishing you continued health and well-being,
Dr. Mitzi N. Morillo
Superintendent of Schools