Mr. Nugent's 7th grade historians presented their Ancient America projects, museum style. Students created their own artifacts demonstrating cultural diversity prior to the arrival of Europeans. #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd

Celebrating the collaboration between the Mendham Borough Board of Education and the Mendham Borough HSA Board at our newly renovated OLC. #mendhamboroschools #lionspride @mendhamhsa

Did you know that YouTube has surpassed all other social media platforms in popularity amongst teens? As part of School Violence Awareness Week, Detective Gobbi of the MBPD presented "Protecting Yourself Online (And in Life)" to all MVMS students. #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Who says you need instruments to play rhythms? 4th Graders show that basketballs and playground balls can be used to "play" rhythms, too! #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Also showing off their competitive edge and proficiency in music, history, and general knowledge during the trivia challenge. #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Staff members showed off their creativity in the Staff Wellness Pumpkin Decorating contest during their in service day. Great job! #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Congrats to Mountain View's own Mr. Zangara for his first place finish in the the 14th Annual Harvest Hustle 5K, sponsored by the Mendham Borough HSA. #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd

The Speech Dr. is back! Mountain View's annual 7th grade Cultural Arts program, sponsored by the HSA, focuses on public speaking skills. Students learn tricks and strategies and then apply them during this two-day interactive program. #mountainview #mendhamborosd #lionspride

Mrs. Beach's Geometry class tackled their first proofs of the school year, working together to prove segment relationships. #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd

Officer Behre presented Benjamin Boulton with a certificate for a free ice cream at The Mendham Creamery. They distributed the gift certificates to police officers to promote good deeds & random acts of kindness in our schools. Way to go Benjamin! #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Mrs. Carozza's 7th & 8th grade Ceramics students are busy creating pinch pots that include sculptural attachments. Students are applying challenging techniques and using Native American effigy pottery from the Mississippian region for inspiration. #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Mrs. Pagana sharing her love of reading and showing that learning occurs throughout the school! #mendhamboroschools #lionspride #hilltopschool

Robotics students are developing their own maze challenge with the theme of “mini-golf." Each student is designing/building a mini-golf hole, programming their robot to travel through it autonomously, then trying those of their peers. https://tinyurl.com/2p9bu2wt #mendhamborosd

MVMS students participated in their first Advisory meeting of the year. Students reflected on the first weeks of school and identified potential challenges. Teamwork and collaboration were also highlighted as students worked together to solve riddles and puzzles. #mendhamborosd

Members of the Mendham Borough Board of Education showed their #LionsPride by participating in the Annual Labor Day Parade. #MendhamBoroughSchools

Mountain View's Student Council Executive Board kicked off the school year right, hosting their annual opening pep rally. Which grade level will collect the most spirit points throughout the year and be awarded the coveted Golden Lion? #lionspride #mendhamborosd #mountainview

During the first days of Science class, Mrs. Magrini's 8th grade students participated in several team building challenges to practice working collaboratively and communicating productively. #lionspride #mendhamborosd #mountainview

New year, new season of MVtv's "Good Morning Mountain View." Mrs. Heuer's School Broadcasting students hit the hallways to prepare for their first episode, premiering next week. #mountainview #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Hilltop Elementary School welcomed back 264 students today! The great weather, smiling faces, and eagerness of a new school year made for an exciting day! We're ready for an amazing year! #mendhamborosd #lionspride

Dr. Morillo welcomed back faculty and staff during the convocation on Monday. Looking forward to a great school year! #mendhamboroschools #lionspride