Order in the court! After reading the Janitor's Boy by Andrew Clements, 5th graders read the MVMS Code of Conduct and assessed the main character's actions. The class held a trial, judged by the Honorable Mrs. Toth, to determine the character's innocence or guilt. #mendhamborosd

7th grade Art students started off their printmaking unit learning about the history and creation of Islamic tile art. These tiles feature geometric designs and radial symmetry, which students used to inspire an original design made digitally. #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Staff and faculty show off their new holiday themed face masks. The masks were made and donated by Miss AnnMarie Hornyak. Miss Hornyak is a retired elementary school teacher and a long time Board Member. Thank you Miss Hornyak! #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Spreading holiday cheer, Mrs. Pagana Chair of our Staff Wellness Committee, provides home baked treats to our faculty and staff. Sometimes you just need a cookie. #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Given the impending weather forecast, the Mendham Borough School District will be closed on Thursday, December 17, 2020. There will be no school. Enjoy the snow day!

Mrs. Lau's 5th grade scientists constructed a comet, aka dirty snowball, and modeled the effect of solar wind/radiation on the comet's tail. #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride

2nd Graders have been focusing on STEM in the classroom. Here are some second graders measuring to decide if they should be using meters or centimeters! Later, students went outside to look for solids! They also found some solids inside!! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Hilltop staff and students had a great Halloween celebration today. Families are able to watch the Halloween celebrations through Flipgrid! Happy Halloween! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Mountain View's 5th graders had a "scary" good day! Students enjoyed a treat provided by their room parents and participated in a "human Scrabble" competition with their teachers dressed as letter tiles. #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride

Mendham Borough Child Study Team wishes you a safe Halloween! #bucketfillers #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Mountain View recognized Violence Awareness Week in Advisory by creating a "Stand Up to Bullying" hallway display. Students chose an anti-bullying quote that resonated with them, and wrote a personal reflection on why they found it to be meaningful. #mendhamborosd #lionspride

Hilltop Students celebrated the Week Of Respect! All students made a mask that showed how they are unique. Students had great spirit days to express their individuality and recognize respect in many ways! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Mountain View students recognized the Week of Respect and welcomed speaker @youthmover Brandon Lee White, who inspiried them to "Own It" - their dreams, mistakes, and life! #mendhamborosd #lionspride #mountainview

7th grade Art students are working on paper collage “Mola Artwork." Traditional Molas are sewn by the Guna women of Panama and feature colorful abstract and animal designs. After learning about the culture and history, students made molas of their own. #mendhamborosd #lionspride

The Mendham Borough BOE received the Order of the Lion-Unwavering Support Award during their meeting last night for consistently supporting District initiatives that benefit our entire school community. Thank you! #mendhamboroughschools #lionspride

Social Distancing is not thwarting partner work in Fundations! Hilltop's 2nd graders are conferring with neighbors in the classroom, and working with virtual classmates too! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Mountain View's Related Arts teachers may be instructing from a cart, but the innovation and engagement continues! Check out our STEM, Technology, and General Music classes. #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride

Just because the students are socially distanced doesn’t mean the engagement stops! Ms. Huang's 7th Grade students reviewed adding and subtracting integers using @Quizlet Live. https://youtu.be/m5SelZbN4dc
#mendhamborosd #lionspride #mountainview

Although they don't have physical lockers this year, 6th graders decorated virtual ones with their favorite hobbies, books, foods, and pictures of their family, friends, and pets. #mendhamborosd #lionspride #mountainview

Thank you Mendham Borough School District faculty, staff, students, and parents for a great first day! See you tomorrow! #mendhamboroschools #lionspride @MorrisCountyDOE