Mendham's Bravest visited Hilltop today. October is Fire Safety Awareness Month. Be sure your family has an evacuation plan in case of a fire, including a meeting place. Thanks to firemen Porter, Marino, Cascais & Berenback.
about 6 years ago, David Heller
Mendham FD Visit
Mendham FD Visit
Mendham FD Visit
Mendham FD Visit
Hilltop School celebrated our Week of Respect with a "Rainbow of Respect Day!" Respecting our differences makes a colorful community! #WeekofRespect #Hilltop School
about 6 years ago, David Heller
Rainbow of Respect
Hilltop 2-4 graders are developing their computer programming skills! In their CODING journey, students are thinking critically, collaborating, creating, attending to details, persevering, problem solving, and having fun! #HourofCode #CSEdweek @njasl @codeorg #Hilltopschool
about 6 years ago, David Heller
Look what we can do!
Hour of Code
Hilltop recently unveiled our new motto: "Work Hard, Be Kind, Smile Big!" A group of fourth graders and teachers on the motto committee presented three versions to all students for a vote. We believe that the motto celebrates what Hilltop stands for at our core. #lionspride
about 6 years ago, David Heller
Our motto is part of our cafeteria mural.
The first day of prep work for Hilltop's new mural in the cafeteria. Working with @cfrostolmsted to transform the space with lots of help from our students! Updates coming soon! #schoolmurals #WeAreAllArtists
about 6 years ago, David Heller
Officer Behre, our new Class III Officer, engaging with our students.
about 6 years ago, Hilltop
Officer Behre, our new Class III Officer, engaging with our students.
Check out our students enjoying the newly renovated basketball courts!
about 6 years ago, Mary Joy Falcone
Renovated basketball courts
Renovated basketball courts
Proud to unveil our district logo created by our own 8th-grade student Julia McEnroe. Thank you Julia!
about 6 years ago, Mary Joy Falcone
New district logo created by Julia McEnroe.