Seventh grade Scientists at work! Mrs. Clark's classes conducted a fermentation lab where students observed and measured carbon dioxide being released by the respiration of yeast. #mendhamborosd #mountainview #lionspride

On Friday, April 4, MVMS students and staff wore blue to recognize Autism Awareness Month. Check out 6th gr Matt Pini's special "Good Morning Mountain View" segment, where he promotes acceptance and shares his experiences. https://youtu.be/997r2xVauQc #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Mendham Boro Schools will be hosting a Parent Education Program at Hilltop School on 4/6 @ 6:30 p.m. Hilltop & Mountain View families are invited to attend! See the flyer for details. Please RSVP via the link provided: https://forms.gle/dWL1D7AnMzZuuTnH6 #mendhamboroschools

Mendham Boro Schools will be hosting a Parent Education Program at Hilltop School on 4/6 @ 6:30 p.m. Hilltop & Mountain View families are invited to attend! See the flyer for details. Please RSVP via the link provided: https://forms.gle/dWL1D7AnMzZuuTnH6 #mendhamboroschools

MVMS students have Spring Break spirit! Decked out in tropical gear, students competed in the Hollyrock Entertainment game, intense rounds of musical chairs, and took their best shot in a free-throw contest. To finish - a school-wide pep rally. #mendhamborosd #lionspride

Mendham Boro Schools will be hosting a Parent Education Program at Hilltop School on 4/6 @ 6:30 p.m. Hilltop & Mountain View families are invited to attend! See the flyer for details. Please RSVP via the link provided: https://forms.gle/dWL1D7AnMzZuuTnH6 #mendhamboroschools

Hilltop's spring concert season kicked off today with our pre-K cubs! Students sang songs about the seasons, an Italian color song, and many others. The crowd was in awe of their smiles and exuberance! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Mr. Jorgensen's Robotics class celebrated after conquering the robotics hill climb challenge. Students built a vehicle that successfully traversed a 60-degree slope. #mountainview #lionspride #mendhamborosd

What a magical day in March! There was a first-day-of-school feel in the air today. Warm temps, smiles not seen in over 2 years, and a visit from our Lion mascot! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Congratulations Mountain View Middle School on being redesignated for the 4th time, the longest standing NJ Schools To Watch. @mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Hilltop School welcomed NJ Assemblywoman Aura Dunn to read to some of our 1st graders for Read Across America Week. Assemblywoman Dunn read the books "Mixed" by Arree Chung and "Ambitious Girl" by Meena Harris and shared her passion for literacy. #lionspride #mendhamborosd

The Morris County OEM has advised that the weather advisory will remain in effect until 1:00 p.m. today. They currently anticipate any untreated surfaces will likely see additional ice accumulations, therefore, Mendham Boro Schools will be closed today, Friday, February 25, 2022.

Due to the forecasted weather conditions, Mendham Borough Schools will have a delayed opening tomorrow, Friday, February 25, 2022. Start time is 10:30 a.m. Conditions will continue to be monitored. An alert will be sent in the morning if needed.

Ms. Decker's 5th gr Scientists explored a heart circulatory lab through relay races with measurement cups. They tested different conditions collecting and analyzing data to compare how the "heart" would perform and implications for circulating oxygen. #mendhamborosd

Mountain View School will have a 12:30 p.m. early dismissal today, Monday, February 14, 2022, due to issues with the HVAC. Students who ride the bus will be transported home. This early dismissal is ONLY for Mountain View School students. Hilltop School students will have a regular day.

Congrats to 5th grade Math League members Chloe G. and Rohan L. who correctly answered challenge #1 of Scholastic's "The Hardest Math Problem" contest. Next up: challenge #2. Good luck! #lionspride #mendhamborosd #mountainview

Mr. Ward's 5th gr historians are working on a heritage project, which included asking their families questions about relatives and investigating their own immigration history. Students are connecting their family stories with those they've studied in class. #mendhamborosd

Due to the forecast for freezing rain and dangerous, icy road conditions the Mendham Borough School District will be closed Friday, February 4, 2022.

Coming to a podcast station near you... Mr. Zangara's 8th grade Social Studies students created their own podcast episodes to discuss 19th Century immigration. Click the link to listen: https://tinyurl.com/ne4zx3nn #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd

Mountain View's February SEL bulletin board, courtesy of Ms. Walsh, school counselor, features positive affirmations and a reminder that even though things may feel sour, we should be sweet to ourselves! #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd