We LOVE language @ the HT Library! 4th Graders are in the WORDLE spirit! Mrs. LeMay customizes a Wordle and we immerse ourselves in language as we think, discuss, and collaborate in order to solve them throughout class. Have you played Wordle yet? #lionspride #mendhamborosd
about 3 years ago, Hilltop School
Getting there!
Due to the forecasted ice and snow accumulations tomorrow, Mendham Borough Schools will have a delayed opening on Thursday, January 20, 2022. Start time is 10:30 a.m. Conditions will continue to be monitored throughout the night. An alert will be sent in the morning if needed.
about 3 years ago, District
Due to the significant potential for freezing roads tomorrow, Mendham Borough Schools will have a delayed opening Tuesday, January 18, 2022. Start time is 10:30 a.m.
about 3 years ago, District
Students in Mrs. Heuer's Game Design & Animation class were challenged with designing and constructing working adaptive game controllers to enable a person with a disability to successfully complete all of levels and features of a video game. #lionspride #mendhamborosd
about 3 years ago, Mountain View MS
Due to weather conditions, Mendham Borough School District will be closed today, Friday, January 7, 2022.
about 3 years ago, District
Based on weather advisories & the timing of the snow accumulation, Mendham Boro Schools will have a delayed opening tomorrow, Jan. 7, 2022, with a 10:30 AM start time.Conditions will continue to be monitored. Should a closing be necessary an alert will be sent out in the morning.
about 3 years ago, District
During the Mendham Borough Board of Education Reorganization meeting last night, new Board Members Cristin Adinolfi and Deborah D’Urso along with returning Board Member AnneMarie Hornyak were sworn in. Thank you for your service. #mendhamboroschools #lionspride
about 3 years ago, District
Mrs. Adinolfi
Mrs. D'Urso
BOE Members
Based on hazardous weather advisories issued for icy conditions, Mendham Borough Schools will have a delayed opening tomorrow, January 5, 2022, with a 10:30 a.m. start time. Conditions will continue to be monitored. If needed, an alert will be sent in the morning.
about 3 years ago, District
Playtime on the playground with the Hilltop Cubs! #Preschool#Winter#Smiles #lionspride #mendhamboroschools
about 3 years ago, District
HT Cubs
HT Cubs
HT Cubs
Mendham Borough Schools are currently seeking qualified applicants for multiple positions. Click the link for all available positions. https://www.applitrack.com/mendhamboro/onlineapp/ Apply today! #newyearnewjob #lionspride
about 3 years ago, District
Mrs. LeMay's 3rd and 4th graders collaborated with Mrs. Heuer's 7th and 8th grade Game Design & Animation students to play their original Bloxels games. Mountain View students received feedback from their Hilltop peers via Padlet. #lionspride #mendhamborosd @mountainview
about 3 years ago, Mountain View MS
Just a reminder that Mendham Borough Schools will have a delayed opening for students only on Monday, January 3, 2022. Start time is 10:30 a.m.
about 3 years ago, District
Mountain View's day of spirit concluded with the annual 8th grade vs. staff volleyball game. Once again, the staff emerged victorious! #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd
about 3 years ago, Mountain View MS
Mountain View's seasonal spirit competitions included snow ball fights, holiday trivia, and snowman building. #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd
about 3 years ago, Mountain View MS
More greetings from Mountain View's Advisory door decorating contest. #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd
about 3 years ago, Mountain View MS
Season's greetings and affirmations for the New Year, courtesy of Mountain View's Advisory door decorating contest. #lionspride #mendhamborosd #mountainview
about 3 years ago, Mountain View MS
To kick off a day of spirit, Mountain View's musicians serenaded their peers at each student entrance. Stay tuned for more pictures of the day's festivities! #mountainview #mendhamborosd #lionspride
about 3 years ago, Mountain View MS
Sixth grade Science students, as part of their study of natural resources, brainstormed ways to recycle resources as part of a zero waste holiday decoration activity. The students created many innovative and festive designs. #mendhamborosd #lionspride #mountainview
about 3 years ago, Mountain View MS
Mr. Jorgensen's Woodworking for the 21st Century students put the finishing touches on their Step stool / Tool tote. This project not only serves double duty when completed, but the construction requires six different joinery techniques to complete. #mendhamborosd #lionspride
about 3 years ago, Mountain View MS
During the Board of Education meeting last night, the Board recognized Nancy Mott on her retirement and exiting Board Members Sean Havey and Beth Cocuzza. Thank you for your years of dedicated service to the District. Best wishes always! #mendhamboroschools #lionspride
about 3 years ago, District
Mrs. Cocuzza
Mr. Havey
Mrs. Mott