Hilltop students competed in the fastest class challenge in Mr. Mahr's PE classes. Students had 5 minutes to run laps around the Gym. The fastest class at Hilltop School was Miss Delaney's 4th grade with an amazing 13.09 average laps run per student. #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Led by Coach Zangara, Boys Basketball opened their season with a 3-1 record, with wins over Mendham Township, Rockaway Boro, and Mt. Arlington. Next up: Harding! #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd

Hilltop welcomed Ben Franklin, played by actor Patrick Garner, today. Mr. Franklin discussed his life and contributions to American and global progress as an author, inventor, and diplomat. Our cultural arts assemblies are sponsored by your HSA! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Mr. Jorgensen's 5th grade STEM students learned about scalable vector graphic files and made vinyl decals to customize their water bottles and Chromebooks. #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd

Hilltop's second graders worked on their non fiction writing by completing lab reports. They tested how far two different cars will go down a ramp. Groups had to design their experiment and then test and record their data with different variables. #lionspride #mendhamborosd

This NFL season, Mountain View is recognizing students who demonstrate upstander qualities, such as respect. The "Upstander of the Month" receives a t-shirt and 2 tickets to a NY Jets home game. The December upstander is Andrew E. Congrats! #lionspride #JetsTackleBullying

Our beautiful mural in the cafeteria was touched up today, as artist Caren Frost Olmsted added a peach tree to the work. The addition of our water bottle filling stations left a void where our bulletin board used to be. Thank you HSA for your support! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Let's Go Lions! Mountain View kicked off the 21-22 Basketball season yesterday with a Lady Lions victory. Both teams take on Mendham Township today. #mendhamborosd #lionspride #mountainview

Our Pre-K classes had a 'Friendsgiving" celebration today! Together they sang songs, danced the Turkey Pokey, and had a feast! Afterward, they got on their turkey costumes and waddled on home! Happy Thanksgiving! #mendhamborosd #lionspride

MVMS kicked off the long Thanksgiving weekend with festive spirit competitions and Advisory activities. Students enjoyed traditions such as the "turkey toss." Advisory activities included "thankful for you" notes to the faculty. #mendhamborosd #lionspride #mountainview

Hilltop's 4th Grade students and guests braved the cool temperatures during their poetry parent participation. Students shared original poetry written in class and what inspired them to write each poem, with a wide range of topics! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Hilltop's 4th grade scientists have been busy learning about circuits. Students have been using D-Cell batteries to understand how circuits can be manipulated with conductors to alter the path of energy! #mendhamborosd #lionspride

Mrs. Heuer's School Broadcasting students testing out their new teleprompter. MVtv produces 3 episodes of "Good Morning Mountain View" per week, including school news and sports reports, weather forecasts, interviews, and entertainment segments. #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Hilltop's 2nd graders participated in a Reader's Theater of "Little Red Riding Hood" recently. Their goals were to practice reading fluently and to read with expression. Some students even ended up memorizing their lines! All were entertained! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Thank you for your donations to the West Morris Juniors' Thanksgiving Food Drive! Hilltop donated $4,633, in addition to donating 919 items of food, which was enough food to make 86 Thanksgiving meals! Miss Delaney's class is the Turkey Cup Winner! #mendhamborosd #lionspride

With the help of parents, students and staff the Mendham Borough HSA donated 300 lbs of candy to Operation Shoebox. Thank you to all for fostering a culture of service! Check out the article in the Mendham-Chester Patch https://bit.ly/3qyhgQI #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

The Speech Doctor is in! Mountain View's 7th and 8th graders attended a two-day workshop to sharpen their public speaking skills. Special thanks to the HSA for providing this practical and enjoyable program. #lionspride #mendhamborosd #mountainview

This NFL season, Mountain View is recognizing students who demonstrate upstander qualities, such as leadership. The "Upstander of the Month" receives a t-shirt and 2 tickets to a NY Jets home game. The November upstander is Emily R. Congrats! #lionspride #JetsTackleBullying

Hilltop students eagerly visited the Scholastic Book Fair today, which is run by our parent-led HSA. There are a wide variety of books available for all age groups and interests! All classes will have two opportunities to shop this week! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

Pattern is one of the principles of design taught in Mrs. Na's Art classes. Using repetition of elements including lines, shapes and colors, students learn to create an interesting visual surface. Enjoy some pattern landscapes from 3-SG! #lionspride #mendhamborosd