As part of their EEE block, Mountain View's 7th graders organized a holiday food drive for the Interfaith Food Pantry. Thanks to the support of of our school community, 562 pounds of food was donated. #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd

Congrats to the Boys' Soccer team and Coach Zangara, who were crowned Group 1 co-champions on Saturday. Go Lions! #mendhamborosd #lionspride

Will the real Officer Behre please stand up. Happy Halloween! #HTCubs #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Hilltop Elementary School had its annual Halloween Parade and craft activity today! Students showed their creativity with both their crafts and costumes! Happy Halloween! #mendhamborosd #lionspride

Miss Huang, 7th grade math teacher, provided an opportunity for members of the Board of Education as well as the public to see what her collaborative classroom instruction looks like on a daily basis. #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Good luck to the Mountain View Boys' Soccer team as they take on Rockaway Boro in the Group 1 championship game tomorrow, 2:45 p.m. at Parsippany Hills High School. Go Lions! #lionspride #mountainview #mendhamborosd

Hilltop School Preschool students enjoying their field trip to Ort Farms. #HTCubs #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Mendham Borough School District received a Certificate of Recognition from Mendham Borough Council for the Niche A+ Rating and Morris County Safest School designation during the Board of Education meeting last night. https://www.mendhamboro.org/article/572908 #mendhamboroschools

Detective Chris Gobbi from the Mendham Borough Police Department presenting to Mountain View students on cyber-safety and digital citizenship. #lionspride #mendhamborosd #mountainview

Hilltop's fourth grade students attended an assembly led by Rob Aptaker about the Lenni Lenape. Students viewed artifacts based on native American culture. What looks like a lacrosse stick pictured was actually a handmade fishing net! #lionspride #mendhamborosd

The Mendham Borough Board of Education meeting scheduled for tonight, October 26, 2021 has been rescheduled to Thursday, October 28, 2021.

Due to flash flood warnings and in order to allow for more time to monitor road conditions, Mendham Borough Schools will have a two hour delayed opening today, October 26, 2021. School will begin at 10:30 a.m.

Sixth graders in Mrs. Keaney's Language Arts classes are deeply involved in meaningful literary discussions in their historical fiction book clubs! #lionspride #mendhamborosd #mountainview

Hilltop Cubs enjoying the new playground. #HilltopCubs#Preschool#Fall #mendhamboroschools

Today students in Mrs. Oakes class presented Dr. Morillo with a tasty treat! As a part of their autumn and pumpkin lessons they made their very own pumpkin pies. #mendhamboroschools #lionspride #prekcubs

Hilltop School student Bobby Murray recently enjoyed a scavenger hunt at the Ralston General Store led by Ralston Historical Association President, Ms. AnneMarie Hornyak, who is also a Mendham Borough school board member. #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

The 13th annual HSA Harvest Hustle was a great success! Many Hilltoppers ran in the one mile fun run, while others ran the full 5K. Thanks to all for your support! #mendhamborosd #lionspride

Students in Mr. Jorgensen's Woodworking for the 21st Century classes working on their cutting boards. Students used the bandsaw to cut them to size and then sanded. Next up, carving designs on the CNC router! #lionspride #mendhamborosd #mountainview

Today the students of Hilltop School officially enjoyed their new playground! Thank you Mendham Borough BOE, HSA & Administration for this awesome space for the entire school community. #mendhamboroschools #lionspride

Mendham Borough School District receives an A+ rating! Check out the full article on the Patch at https://patch.com/new-jersey/mendham-chester/mendham-borough-schools-earns-safest-county-school-rating #mendhamboroschools #lionspride